Are you thinking about installing a car audio amplifier? Most systems come with a built-in amplifier, but if you want true power (or if you've created your own custom system), you'll need an external amplifier. Amplifiers are used whenever a sound system needs to boost signal from one component to another. With an amplifier, you get the best possible performance. When selecting an amplifier, you need to consider the location, channels, and power.


Choosing the Right Installation Location

Before you make any decisions, you may want first to decide where the car audio amplifiers will go. This will determine the size (and power) of the amplifier.

●      Under the seats. This is often the least obtrusive choice. An under the seat amplifier isn't going to take up substantial space within your vehicle.

●      Inside the passenger-side wall. This is another unobtrusive choice, but it is a little more involved than installing under the seats and should be done by a professional.

●      In the trunk. This is one of the easiest ways to install a large amplifier, and if you already have in-trunk components, you might as well add the amplifier too. On the other hand, it does severely limit trunk space.


Selecting the Number of Channels

Car audio amplifiers will usually have one, two, four, or six channels. There are very few use cases that will find a one channel amplifier useful. Your amplifier is going to have a channel for each speaker that is being amplified, and if you think you might upgrade your sound system in the future, you should add enough channels to provide for this.


Getting the Right Amount of Power

The amount of power your car audio amplifier requires is based purely on your sound system. Consequently, a sound system always needs to be selected before an amplifier is. Stereos come with something that's called an "RMS number." Your amplifier should have about 100% to 125% of this number, though it can have as low as 75%. More than 150% will usually not be beneficial.


A sound system needs to be compatible and work well together. In this way, it can be a lot like putting together a computer or other electronic device. A professional installation is recommended for any system complex enough to require an amplifier. Mobile Install can provide installation quickly and affordably. Contact the experts at Mobile Install, located in Minneapolis, MN, for a quote on parts today!

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