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Posts Tagged ' Car Security'

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7 Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention Tips

Chances are good you’ve already known someone who has had their catalytic converter stolen if you live in the Twin Cities area, where nearly 1500 thefts occurred in 2020. That’s because over the past few years, there has been a nationwide increase in catalytic converter thefts, and the problem is only getting worse as time goes by. Not only does this lead to expensive replacements for car owners, but it has also caused a national shortage of replacement cats, especially for some models of vehicles.

How Car Alarm Installation Works

It’s an unfortunate fact of life that vehicle-related thefts are on the rise. And thieves are getting creative these days between smash-and-grab property theft and catalytic converter theft. There’s even a new web-enabled scam where car thieves rip off a vehicle only to sell it quickly on Craigslist or Facebook Market using a fake profile.

Choosing the Right Alarm System for Your Ride

With the holidays right around the corner, everyone is getting excited. Retailers are looking forward to increasing their holiday sales, children are dreaming up their Christmas lists, and shoppers are already crossing items off of their shopping lists.

Start Planning for Your Summer Road Trips Now

In Brooklyn Park, the weather outside is still pretty frosty. Fun in the summer sun can seem ages way, but it’s closer than you think. With the new year on the calendar, it’s a good time to start thinking about your plans for the coming year. If you start planning now, you can be ready to get in on the action anytime fun comes calling.

How Technology Has Changed Driving for the Better

It’s hard to believe that only a century ago, cars had more in common with carriages of old than they do with the sleek modern vehicles rolling off the assembly line today. However, even in the early days of cars, wide-eyed dreamers used their imagination to paint a picture of what the future of automobiles could hold. If you’ve ever seen pictures of “future” cars from the fifties, you can appreciate how wild that vision could be. But today, we are living in the future, and although we don’t have flying cars, driving has changed in countless ways for the better.

Which Vehicle Additions Will Improve Your Commute?

You dread your work commute—that two-hour long period of your day in which you do nothing but sit in your car and zone out. Some people love it, but others absolutely hate it.

Customize Your Car With These Cool New Tech Features

2019 could be your best year yet with new gadgets for your car from Mobile Installation. We specialize in high-end auto accessories that will enhance your vehicle inside and out. Below are some of our most popular items with car owners in the Minneapolis and St. Paul area. To discover our entire lineup of car products, visit our service center. We’re here to help make your driving experience more enjoyable.

Why You Need the Drone Mobile App

If you are considering purchase a remote starter system for your vehicle, the Drone Mobile App has all you need to connect your car to all your remote devices. The app offers a broad range of features that are designed to suit your car’s specifications, as well as your lifestyle preferences.

5 Cool Gadgets We Can Add to Your Car in 2018

2018 could be your best year yet with new gadgets for your car from Mobile Installation. We specialize in high-end auto accessories that will enhance your vehicle inside and out. Below are some of our most popular items with car owners in the Minneapolis and St. Paul area. To discover our entire lineup of car products, visit our service center. We’re here to help you make your driving experience more enjoyable.

Take Control of Your Cruise

Cruise control can be an incredibly useful added feature for your vehicle. For commercial and personal vehicles alike, there are some major benefits to adding cruise control. If you’re trying to decide whether to install cruise control in your vehicle, here are a few benefits to consider: