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From the monthly archives: July 2019

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'July 2019'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Who Should Invest in a Car Alarm?

If you only think of car alarms as those annoying things that only trip when some poor, unsuspecting shopper wanders a little too close to your car, you’re missing out. Car alarms are a valuable, nay, indispensable security tool for city dwellers and suburban citizens alike. They stop potential thieves in their tracks, keeping your valuable vehicle and its contents safe and sound.

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When to Invest in a Step Bar

For some, their step bar is a necessity; for others, it’s a well-loved convenience. If you’re reading this blog post, you might be wondering which category you fall into. Should you invest in a step bar? How big of a difference does one little step actually make?

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The Best Car Upgrades for Your Summer Road Trip

Road-tripping in the summer is a tradition for many people, regardless of age. Young twenty-year-olds fresh out of college look to see the world and find themselves; seniors with RVs look to escape the summer heat; families with kids make annual trips to see grandma and grandpa, or trek up north for the Fourth of July or Memorial day.

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