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Building the Bass: Ways to Improve Your Car Speaker Performance

Whether you're a fan of road trips or just trying to make your morning commute more entertaining, car speaker performance is incredibly important. But that doesn't mean that you have to spend a lot of money on it. There are some tips and tricks that you can use to improve your car speaker performance without a big investment. 

Reducing Drag on a Vehicle to Improve Gas Mileage

Reducing the drag on your vehicle is one of the easiest ways you can improve your gas mileage. The more drag a vehicle has, the harder it has to work to achieve and maintain speed. This both uses more gas and produces more wear on the vehicle.

Making It Easier to Keep Your Car Clean

There are few things as satisfying as a bright and shiny, newly cleaned vehicle. Still, it can be difficult to find the time to keep your car sparkling like new -- especially if you have a lengthy commute or live in a dusty area. Here are a few tips to make it easier to ward off the dust and dirt.

Getting Your Car Ready for Kids: 6 Upgrades Worth Looking At

You may be ready to start a family – but is your car? Babies and kids can uncover things you never knew about your car, from "I wish there was another way to slow down," to "This car definitely doesn't feel safe enough to leave my kid in." Fortunately, there are many aftermarket additions you can make to get your car ready for kids (without buying a new model). Let's take a look at some of the most effective.

"Smart" Car Alarms for Smart Car Owners

Gone are the days of blaring alarms in the middle of the night. Modern security alarm systems for cars can be quite advanced. Not only are they less likely to go off for no reason, but they also have some unique features that are designed to both protect your vehicle and your personal safety. Here are a few of the most valuable features in new alarm systems.

Working on the Road: The Advantages of Laptop Mounts

If you're going to be working on the road, a mount is one of the most convenient features to get installed. A laptop mount is often installed between the driver and passenger seats, swiveling either left or right. When a vehicle is parked, the mount can be used to quickly and comfortably complete your work, without having to balance a keyboard on your lap.

5 High-Tech Ways to Make Your Truck Safer, Right Now

When you first buy a truck, safety probably isn't your biggest concern – and that's just fine! But over time you may want to make your truck a bit safer for you, your kids, your friends, and any precious cargo you may be carrying around. Fortunately, it's easy to pick effective aftermarket security options, as long as you know what you're looking for. So embrace technology and bring new security to your truck with:

Tips on Picking the Right Aftermarket Car Speakers for Your Life

You want the very best aftermarket speakers for your lifestyle, right? We've got some tips for you to consider while you're shopping around: Here's what you need to know about audio sound before making any big decisions.

Selecting The Right Inverter

Selecting the right inverter can be rather confusing given how complex they are. However, we're going to explain what makes a inverter tick and what you should be looking for when it comes to the product. With this being said, here's a look at inverters.

The Best Step Bars on the Market

Many assume that step bars are something that's only applied for style, but that assumption couldn't be further from the truth. Thankfully, we're going to cover the best step bars and what qualities they posses. With this being said, here's a look at similar traits of the best step bars.