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Posts Tagged ' Vehicle Maintenance'

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Why Upgrade your Existing Car Instead of Buy New?

You’d love for luxuries like remote-start technology, subwoofers, or laptop mounts, but you also don’t want to part with your current vehicle. Postmarket upgrades offer the perfect solution.

All Season Vs. Winter Tires for Your Commercial Vehicles

When you run a business with commercial vehicles, you rely on your fleet to get from point A to point B on time every time. But winters in Minnesota can put even the most reliable fleet to the test. When a vehicle’s tires aren’t designed to drive on ice and snow, your operation can suddenly come grinding to a halt along with your profits.

Tire Maintenance: How to Tell if Your Tires are Ready for Winter

Getting your car ready for winter is one of the most important things you can do this time of year. Sometimes taking those few extra steps to make sure you’re prepared for the coming winter months can mean the difference between a life-and-death situation.

Discover the Best Way to Clean Car Upholstery

When you get a new car, you want to do everything you can to protect the interior and keep your vehicle looking as perfect as the day you first bought it. Maybe that means disallowing beverages and snacks in the car, religiously tidying up your car interior, or installing all-weather floor mats. But no matter what steps you take and how careful you are, eventually your ride will end up in need of upholstery cleaning.

3 Reasons to Repair Your Vehicle’s Upholstery

When you first step into a brand new vehicle, there’s nothing quite like that new car look, feel, and smell. If you’re like most people, you do everything you can to avoid spills and messes. You might even ban passengers from bringing food and drinks into your ride.

Cleaning Your Car Upholstery After it Rains

It’s April, and April showers bring May flowers. But they also bring wet shoes and tracked-in mud. And if you make the mistake of forgetting to roll up your windows before the stormy weather rolls in, it can bring the dismay of dealing with a wet car seat and even mildew.

Protecting Your Car With All-Weather Floor Mats

The aftermarket product specialists at Mobile Installation in Brooklyn Park discuss the benefit of using all-weather floor mats in your vehicle. We talk about how our floor mats from WeatherTech protect your car from rain, mud, and spills.

How to Know if Your Cruise Control Needs Repairs

For many drivers, cruise control is not just a want (like a subwoofer or remote start technology), it’s a need. Those who drive long distances daily, such as commuters, can use it to destress. Commercial taxi service customers can throw use cruise control while making their customers feel at home. Finally, for those with limited mobility or pain in the leg, a cruise control system can make driving places not only easier but possible in the first place.

Summertime is Here: Time for a Bug Shield on Your Car

Cleaning bugs off the windshield after a long drive can cause frustration for even mild-mannered drivers. And with summer weather here, the number of airborne insects increases exponentially, creating even more muck splattered across the glass. Fortunately, a solution exists to prevent this situation from occurring in the first place.

What Do Bug Shields Have to Do With Deer?

What Are Bug Shields? Also called bug deflectors, bug shields are the little plastic, acrylic, or metal strips that attach to the front of a car's hood. These strips deflect bugs, rocks, and debris that could fly up to crack a windshield or cover it with bug guts.

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