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Posts Tagged 'Bug Shield'

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Do You Need a Bug Shield?

The aftermarket product team at Mobile Installation in Brooklyn Park talk about exterior protectants. We discuss the benefit of installing a bug shield on your vehicle.

Summertime is Here: Time for a Bug Shield on Your Car

Cleaning bugs off the windshield after a long drive can cause frustration for even mild-mannered drivers. And with summer weather here, the number of airborne insects increases exponentially, creating even more muck splattered across the glass. Fortunately, a solution exists to prevent this situation from occurring in the first place.

Get Your Pre-Summer Bug Shield Installed on Your Car

Want to avoid rock chips, bugs and mitigate damage from deer collisions? Mobile Installation can help with some different options to protect your car, truck, or SUV from day-to-day road damage. Let us know what type of vehicle you have, and we’ll find a bug shield that fits perfectly over the front. You can call us or visit our store in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. Here’s how a bug shield can protect your vehicle:

Why Your New Pickup Needs A Quality Bug Shield

Many individuals have a hard time understanding that a small piece of plastic on your vehicle's hood can stop bugs, rocks, and other debris from harming your windshield. However, there's hard evidence that a quality bug shield will not only perform such tasks but offer so much more regarding protection for your vehicle. Here's a look at some of the many reasons as to why your new pickup needs a quality bug shield.

Your Introduction to Step Bars and Bug Shields

Accessorizing a new car or truck can be extremely fun. However, some of your accessories can provide a more comfortable and much safer ride for all involved. Here are two accessories that can give you a better riding experience for prices that don't break your wallet.

Are You Sick Of Bug Splats On Your Windshield?

Another good reason to think about a bug shield in Minneapolis is that it will save your paint job. All those little rocks, bugs, and other flying objects kicked up by cars on the road take their toll on your car's paint job. Mobile install makes it easy for you to save the paint job on your car and reduce the damage that driving can have on your windshield.