At Mobile Installation we are committed to adhering to all Minnesota rules and regulations regarding window tinting. Therefore, we stay updated and compliant with all codes for all vehicles that we service. Car window tints legal limits enacted in 1985. The latest updates just went into effect in 2018. Below is an outline of the regulations that address both tint shade and reflectiveness. If you have any questions about window tinting, feel free to visit or contact us at our Minneapolis location.


Minnesota Tint Laws

The percentage of light allowed through your film and glass in Minnesota is particular and different for sedan cars and SUV cars or vans.


Window Tint Laws for Sedans

●        Windshield: No tint is allowed on the windshield in Minnesota.

●        Front Side windows: Must allow more than 50% of light in.

●        Back Side windows: Must allow more than 50% of light in.

●        Rear Window: Must allow more than 50% of light in.


Window Tint Laws for SUV and Vans

●        Windshield: No tint is allowed on the windshield in Minnesota.

●        Front Side windows: Must allow more than 50% of light in.

●        Back Side windows: Any darkness can be used.

●        Rear Window: Any darkness can be used.


Window Tint Reflection Regulations

Window tint can reflect incoming light and reduce glare and heat. Minnesota window tint law permits a certain level of window reflection when using a tint so make sure you pay attention to this as well.


Tint Reflection for Sedans

●        Front Side windows: Must not be more than 20% reflective.

●        Back Side windows: Must not be more than 20% reflective.


Tint Reflection for SUV and Vans

●        Front Side windows: Must not be more than 20% reflective.

●        Back Side windows: Must not be more than 20% reflective.


Additional Tint Regulations

●        Side Mirrors: There are no restrictions on side mirrors in Minnesota.

●        Restricted Colors: No colors of tint are explicitly restricted from use.

●        Certificates: Manufacturers do NOT need to certify the film they sell in the state.

●        Stickers: The sticker to identify legal tinting is required between the film & glass on the driver’s side window.

●        Medical Exceptions: Minnesota allows medical exemptions for special tint. For more details about the specific terms of the exemption, consult your state law.



Minnesota tinting laws and regulations may be applied differently in Minneapolis and St. Paul than other parts of the state. Check with your local DMV or law enforcement authorities for details.


Professional Window Tinting Services in Minneapolis

When you’re ready for a professional window tint, visit Mobile Installation. We offer complete window tinting, as well as other premier services such as car audio systems, car alarm systems, remote start devices, and wheels. We are located in Minneapolis and also serve car owners in St. Paul, Minnesota. To find out more about our innovative products, visit our local store. You can also call us at 612-986-3332, or you can message us on our contact page.

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