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Posts Tagged ' car alarm'

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8 Ways to Update Your Car's Security System

It goes without saying that a new car needs a good security system. And there once was a time when you really only needed a car alarm on a newer vehicle. But these days, vehicle crime is on the rise, and year, make, and model doesn’t seem to matter much.

Why You Should Get a Security System for Your Electric Vehicle

Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular for many reasons, so you want to keep yours as safe as possible. Installing a security system is crucial in your electric car, and Mobile Installation is here to tell you why.

Top Vehicles for Catalytic Converter Theft & How to Avoid It

Vehicle maintenance and gas prices are high enough these days without having to pay for expensive repairs. But unfortunately, a recent spike in catalytic converter thefts has cost far too many Minnesota drivers, and the problem is only getting worse as time goes by.

Why You Need a Car Security System

Picture your busiest day. You’re running around town checking off all of the items on your to-do list. You have several places to go and only so much time in the day, but you’re making decent progress.

Who Should Invest in a Car Alarm?

If you only think of car alarms as those annoying things that only trip when some poor, unsuspecting shopper wanders a little too close to your car, you’re missing out. Car alarms are a valuable, nay, indispensable security tool for city dwellers and suburban citizens alike. They stop potential thieves in their tracks, keeping your valuable vehicle and its contents safe and sound.

Is Your Car Alarm Outdated? Get an Upgrade Today

With the rise in auto-related crime, protecting yourself, your family, and your car is more important than ever. With all the added features in vehicles today, you need a security system that is dependable and features lots of options to give you flexibility no matter where you go. Many insurance providers will give you discounts if you install advanced systems. In essence, car alarms will pay for themselves in various ways. Below is a short guide to what you need to know when purchasing a car alarm. If you have any further questions, you can contact Mobile Installation today.

The Modern Security Features Your Car Needs (And Can Get Today)

Car security is always an important consideration for car owners. Fortunately, there's a lot you can do to help make your car safer with just a few changes or additions. Here are modern security options that will be a big difference when it comes to vehicle security.