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Posts Tagged ' professional installation'

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Keep Cool This Summer With Car Window Tint

It seems like as soon as the days start to get longer, it’s not long before the insides of our cars start to heat up. This is especially true for drivers with dark interiors, which can absorb the sun’s heat. If your car tends to be hot in the summertime, getting in while wearing shorts can be a miserable experience, especially if you have the misfortune of touching something metal inside your car. If you’re tired of the summertime misery, it might be time to install window tint in your car and turn down the heat.

8 Ways to Update Your Car's Security System

It goes without saying that a new car needs a good security system. And there once was a time when you really only needed a car alarm on a newer vehicle. But these days, vehicle crime is on the rise, and year, make, and model doesn’t seem to matter much.

Everything You Need to Know About ATV Speaker Systems

Is there anything more fun than the thrill of taking your ATV out? In a world where it seems like everyone is constantly looking at a screen, ATVs are a great way to get in touch with nature. Whether you love riding ATVs with friends or ATV weekends are your favorite family adventure, they beat scrolling the Internet or camping out in front of the TV anyday.

Answers for Common Remote Start Questions

Installing a quality remote start system in your vehicle is one of the best investments you can make in your ride. Not only is it more convenient and safer when you’re looking for your ride in a parking lot, but it can also make your ride more comfortable during extreme weather.

Decisions to Make When Buying New Wheels

If you’re looking for ways to upgrade your ride, there’s nothing that makes a bigger splash than a flashy set of new wheels. But with all of the choices out there, it can be hard to know where to begin.

Pros and Cons of Using a Remote Starter

The mornings are awfully cold this time of year in Minnesota, and if you don’t have remote start on your vehicle, they’re even colder. Thankfully, these days it’s easier than ever to add remote start to your ride.

What to Do When Your Car Alarm Keeps Going Off

Once you’ve reassured yourself that there’s nothing wrong and your vehicle hasn’t been hit or broken into, you’ll probably breathe a sigh of relief. But when your car alarm continues to go off again and again, it can become incredibly frustrating. Worse, you may even start to disturb the whole neighborhood!

Three Reasons to Choose Rostra Heated Seats

When it’s winter in Minnesota, mornings can feel pretty brutal, especially if you have to park outside instead of in a lovely, heated garage. But even if you don’t have to wait for your ride to warm up in the mornings, installing heated seats can be a true gift to yourself during the winter and all year long.

How Car Alarm Installation Works

It’s an unfortunate fact of life that vehicle-related thefts are on the rise. And thieves are getting creative these days between smash-and-grab property theft and catalytic converter theft. There’s even a new web-enabled scam where car thieves rip off a vehicle only to sell it quickly on Craigslist or Facebook Market using a fake profile.

Get the Most from Your Motorcycle’s Audio System

If you love little more than spending the afternoon cruising on your motorcycle, there’s no better time of year for a cruise than fall. The air is cool but not too cold, and the autumn leaves are spectacular. And the only thing that’s better than an autumn cruise is having the perfect motorcycle playlist. With the right soundtrack and a great sound system, there’s no better way to enjoy nature than from the seat of a bike.